You want what billions now and billions before you have wanted. You want a favorite song that keeps pleasing. You want a view that’s never tiring. You want euphoria that never fades. Good luck. It’s not going to happen.
Many before you have tried to find what they really wanted and have concluded that it’s the wanting itself that is an end. Wanting is ceaseless. Yes, it might have a pause now and then: A view from a height, a lightness in gait, an enveloping aroma, a …
Think for a moment about that moment. When was the last time the wanting stopped? You must realize that in “that moment” you still wanted. You wanted that moment to continue. You can’t seem to get away from wanting, even when you have temporarily reached your goal, acquired the object, felt the feeling, joined the process.
Buddha, too. Seems that the Buddha wanted enlightenment though he also thought that desire was the cause of suffering. People have a lust for the want. So, they struggle. You struggle. Buddha must have struggled, bouncing between self-denial and want.
We define self by want as much as by any other trait or characteristic. It might be, in fact, a deeper, more telling property of self than any other. Want to know who you are? What do you really want?